Update Terbaru Twitter 4.1.0

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Update Terbaru Twitter 4.1.0
Update Terbaru Twitter 4.1.0-Kali ini Aplikasi Sosial Media Android akan memposting Update Terbaru Twitter 4.1.0. Tau Twitter kan? pasti lah, orang-orang sering menyebutnya microblogging karena postingan hanya boleh 140 karakter (huruf, symbol, angka, dan spasi). Selain memposting kicauan, kalian juga bisa memposting gambar dan video. 
Berikut Overview
Update Terbaru
Twitter 4.1.0

Versi : 4.1.0

Android : 2.3 keatas

Harga : -

Update Terbaru :
  1. Lebih mudah mengakses kamera dan langsung kalian share
  2. Pemberitahuan yang lebih interaktif seperti avatar dan
  3. menunjukkan orang berinteraksi dengan kalian (reply, retweet, dll) untuk Android 4.0 ke atas
  4. Timeline yang luas, termasuk halaman profil dan pencarian
  5. Menerima pemberitahuan jika teman baru bergabung dengan twitter.
Komentar Pengguna :
David Jackson
While I think overall the app is great (minus things like muting), and I like that you can finally see who is sending a DM and giving you a preview, could you please start grouping them together? I often find myself with about 10 different notifications from friends DMing me.
Alexis Whidbee
The notifications are PERFECT. I get them on time and the different symbols are a bonus!

Jesse Hyde
While I'll like the new notification look, the app no longer uses a custom ringtone. It uses the phone's default, which is what my emails are set to. Also the notification light is now blue instead of green on the S3. An option to change these would be great.
Justin Bibs
Aplikacije je jednostavno super! Puno bolje se snalazim na mobu nego na browseru! Svaka cast! Awesome application ! It's so muck easier so work with on phone rather on browser!! JUST AWESOME!
Arya Wicaksana 
Well, the latest update finally fix the timeline scroll issue and has a smoother look. But now when a tweet mention your username in timeline is no longer has blue background Could you bring it back? It really useful sometimes to notice a mention. I always love your work on this app :) Sorry for my bad english
Install di Google Play

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